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Ball Busting Crack Whore Tells All and S
Date: 2012-05-14 19:12:27
dirtydvod.com http://dirtydvod.com/flv/crackwhoreconfessions/gallery/105/fhg_1.htm...
Date: 2012-05-14 19:12:27
Crack Whore Melissa Confesses All Melissa is a hardened street walking hooker. She has become a bit of a dominatrix for some of her johns. She tells how one guy gets hard from her kicking him square in the balls. Melissa has another guy that she makes crawl around on the floor and clean her apartment. When he touches her she beats him. Melissa also shares some of her street wise legal advice. Cracker Jack is not down with the CBT (Cock & Ball Torture). So he has Melissa give him a blowjob making...